In this visually stunning feature series, creator Daeui Hong tackles a concept often avoided by others in the industry. Soon after the Civil War, the newly unified Union State entered into its ambitious "Reconstruction" era. In order to achieve those ambitions, however, the Natives were coerced and relocated. What were the repercussions, and how did it affect them?
Set in the late 1860's, Moonlight Hair follows the story of a misfit child struggling to fit in to his tribe, yet not knowing why. With the help of a few friends, he embarks on a journey to find the truth and in turn himself. During his journey, readers will get a glimpse into the relationships within tribes, with the white man, and with himself.
Part 1 of this 3-part story introduces us to Moonlight Hair and the world he lives in. Moonlight Hair is born into a small warrior Sioux tribe. His father is Chief of the tribe, yet Moonlight Hair seems to always be alone. He is constantly in search of recognition and honor to be acknowledged by those around him, and, often finds himself in dangerous situations. One day, he finds an opportunity to change his fate, or end it...
Read the Full Comic here: tapastic