14 Strangest But Cool Cat Breeds You've Never Seen Before

Cats have been semi-domesticated for nearly 9,000 years, according to a report published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. There are over 60+ domestic cat breeds recognized by the International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance. Here are the 14 of the strangest but cool cat breeds you need to see.

1. Sphynx

Developed through selective breeding in the 1960s the Sphynx is a breed of cat known for its lack of a coat (contrary to popular belief it is not completely hairless). Their skin is the color, tones an patterns are the colors that their fur would be.

2. Ukrainian Levkoy

The Levkoy is a man made breed developed in Ukraine between 2000 and 2011. It was created by outbreeding hairless Donskoy females with Scottish Fold males.

3. Peterbald

The Peterbald is a Russian cat breed that resembles Oriental Shorthairs.

4. Colorpoint Shorthair

The Colorpoint Shorthairs are only recognized as a stand alone breed by the Cat Fanciers’ Association.

5. Tonkinese Cat

The Tonkinese are a crossbred cat breed developed using the Siamese cat and the Burmese cat.

6. Cornish Rex

While most cats have 3 different types of hair in their coats the Cornish Rex is a breed of domestic cat that has no hair except for its undercoat.

7. Savannah Cat

The Savannah Cat is a hybrid cat that is a cross between a serval (a large-eared- African wild cat) and a domestic cat.

8. Bengal Cat

The Bengal is a hybrid domestic cat developed by selective and intraspecific breeding to create a friendlier version of jungle cats like leopards, ocelots and margay.

9. Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is a short-haired cat breed that are one of the few naturally spotted breeds of domesticated cats.

10. Korat

The Korat is a blue-gray short haired domestic cat of Thai origin named after the Nakhon Ratchasima province.

11. Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the latest domesticated cat breeds.

12. Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a rare domestic cat native to Japan and Southeast Asia with a tail that resembles the tail of a rabbit.

13. Burmilla

The Burmilla is a domestic cat breed crossed between the Cinchilla, Persian and Burmeese breeds.

14. Munchkin

The Munchkin is a newer cat breed with short legs due to a genetic mutation.

Thanks to Unbelievable facts